PI “Salty Winds” organizes educational programs in cooperation with local farmers, artists, and craftsmen in Druskininkai municipality.

Our goal is to create the opportunities for local people (farmers, craftsmen, artists, and rural communities in Druskininkai municipality) to provide their services, sell their products, and to spread the local culture and craftsmanship. 

In order to offer a range of services for tourists, we are cooperating with the resort operating tourist facilities, SPA centers, and other organisations in Druskininkai. We offer educational programs, entertainment, and events for business companies or tourist groups.

We are ready to provide you with all the services in organizing a bespoke event in our beloved Druskininkai!

PI “Salty Winds”

M. K. Čiurlionis g. 80, Druskininkai.

Code 303565374

Not VAT payer

Bank code: 73000
A/s:  LT597300010142466677
+370 607 69633 group reservations

+370 615 84052 other questions

+313 51320 other questions

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